On April 24th 2020, the East Central District held our first Zoom President's Meeting. It was great to see our friends we haven't seen in so long and check how everyone is doing during the Coronavirus pandemic. We discussed that Mission U is cancelled this year but we will still be doing the "Finding Peace in an Anxious World" Mission Study on September 26th at Tavares United Methodist Church. Remind your units that there are also studies for youth called, "Youth Managing Anxiety" and for children called, "Kids Managing Emotions." Each book cost $10 and is available at https://www.umwmissionresources.org/. We were thrilled to have 15 people at our first zoom meeting. We should all make an effort to reach out to our members and neighbors and make sure everyone is doing ok. Make a couple phone calls this week. It might make someone's day! We look forward to having more units represented at our next zoom meeting on May 20th at 10 a.m. Email annewinn.umw@gmail.com to get a meeting invite. If you need help downloading the "Zoom" app, ask your children or grandchildren. If they can't help, email the District at FLECDUMW@gmail.com and will find someone to help!