Mission Study "We are on a Mission to do God's Work"
Sat, Apr 10
This study was inspired by the Mission Study, "What About Our Money" and is being hosted by FUMC Clermont (Cluster 3) but is open to All! There will be two-2 hour sessions, Saturday April 10 & 17 from 10:00am to Noon.
Time & Location
Apr 10, 2021, 9:30 AM – Apr 17, 2021, 12:00 PM
About the Event
"We are on a Mission to do God's Work" is an in-depth study of mission opportunities throughout the United Methodist Women.
Do you want to know where your pledge goes or which organizations the United Methodist Women support on the National Level, State Level or locally? Are you looking to donate clothes, money or your time to local charities but you don't know how to get started, then this mission study is for you. To complete the mission study you must attend both sessions.
Please have the following supplies available (if possible): your Bible, Notepaper. a pen or pencil, a copy of two of "Response Magazine", and an additional electronic device than the one you're watching the Zoom meeting on, such as a tablet or cell phone (if possible)
FUMC Clermont is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: We are on a Mission to do God's Work
Session #1: April 10, 2021 9:30 am - Zoom 101 (for new users or those needing a refresher)
9:45 am - Begin logging in for Session #1
10:00 am - Noon - Session #1
Session #2: April 17, 2021 9:45 am - Begin logging in for Session #2
10:00 am - Noon - Session #2
Join Zoom Meeting
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Meeting ID: 818 0299 5101
Passcode: 085061
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